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If you're pregnant and considering adoption, you probably have lots of questions like ..
Laws vary in each state as to what is allowable. In most you can get support during your pregnancy and after, expenses may include things like:
- Housing
- Utilities
- Moving - if needed
- Phone
- Food
- Transportation
- Maternity Clothes
- Medication
Families understand supporting you is necessary and helpful during this difficult time. Our goal is to determine all your possible living expenses and provide you with any assistance your may need.
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Fusce quis vulputate metus. Praesent eget est varius, iaculis metus eget, luctus arcu. Proin pharetra libero lorem, vitae sodales risus sollicitudin quis. Nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi laoreet, lectus ut ultrices volutpat, nisl enim convallis risus, nec ullamcorper nisl turpis hendrerit arcu. Ut hendrerit, dolor a tristique rhoncus, arcu mi varius elit, vehicula consectetur dui neque at magna. Aenean rutrum malesuada dui a posuere. Quisque euismod facilisis suscipit.
Laws vary in each state as to what is allowable. In most states adoptive parents are allowed to contribute to your support during your pregnancy and after. Expenses may include things like:
- Rent & Utilities
- Phone
- Transportation
- Maternity Clothes
- Travel (if needed)
Families understand that supporting you may be necessary and helpful during this difficult time. Our goal is to determine your possible living expenses and provide you with any assistance you may need.
To answer any questions,
concerns or just talk
Call our Birthmother hotline 1-800-587-3224
24 hours / 7 days a week
*** We don't share! All information is confidential, private & safe.